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with violence enough I thought to upset the Table Hill however in spight of my Blood it drove me off the Coast again and detain'd me at Sea 'till the 9th of this month, when I got in and found the Resolution had then been here 3 weeks, and of course had got all my provision &c in good forwardness for embarking. Capt Cook set the Bakers to work immediately upon his arrival, and the last of my bread was baked on the 21st inst. I shall be ready for sea by the 25th or 26th. The Resolution is not yet quite compleat so that those curs'd procrastinations the Gentlemen of the law plagu'd us with, with exceedingly little if at all impede our leaving this place. Your man Nelson is one of the quietest fellows in Nature, he seems very attentive and I hope will answer your purpose very well; I flatter myself I need not assure you of every attention of mine towards his giving you all satisfaction - he has made a trip up the Country here with Gore who is very well and desires his respects & compliments to you & the Good Doctors to whom I mean presently to address myself. I have executed your Commission to Mrs Prihn & Mrs Brand who both seem much pleas'd with you Compliments.