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My dear Madam
I know nothing of any person being appointed here Governor of N.S.W. but I fear we must not flatter ourselves too much with the hope of his [indecipherable] being continued after such a convulsion has taken place in similar [indecipherable], it has always been found that a Governor who has been treatd by a Colony as he has been howsoever unmerited the treatment may have been never can afterwards be able to govern the Colony afterwards either with comfort to himself or with advantage fo the Colonists. This aspect seems to be the opinion of Government at present. *
What the determination of Government of the subject is if any has been yet come to I do not know but I do know that nothing that has yet come to light [indecipherable] any prejudice against him. I have no doubt therefore that every kind of justice will be done to him & that the perpetrators of the Revolution that has been effectd there will receive [indecipherable] punishment. I conclude you know that it is understood by government that he is on his return to this country in the Rose.
*besides it appears pretty [indecipherable] to even a common observer that a Soldier instead of a Sailor should have the Command of a Colony in which the whole administration is trustd to the management of Soldiers who will not as has been found in the present instance pay him some obedience to the orders of a Sailor as they will [indecipherable] usd to pay to one of their own cloth. But we may I think not hope only but trust that he will return home & bring with him his excellent character he carried out with him unchangd & unabated in any one Point will have clear claim on Government in consequence of the unmerited & abominable treatment he has met with & that the hopes his relatives & friends indulgd themselves in of his being able by the emoluments of his Government to make a better an increasd Provision for his Family are dissipated that he will in future proceed in life as prosperously at least as he has done & that his friends will increase rather than diminish from the nature of the untoward circumstance which has so unexpected thwarted his late views of increasing his Property.