Item 05: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 19 March-15 August 1916 - Page 58

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[Page 58]

went back to the horses soon after dinner to lie in the shade of the trees as it is very hot in the tents, but a messenger from Divisional Head Quarters came on the scene at 2 oclock with orders to move off at 5 oclock we had to bustle to get the tents down & all spare gear on the transports; Three Batteries of Artillery (English) went out before us & we managed to move off at 4.15 crossed the Suez Canal over a pontoon bridge & headed out into the desert a seven mile trek brought us to Hill 70 where we put down the horse lines, bed our horses a few hundred yards to water then fed up & had tea at 9.30, also stew;

Les Reid & I have been living well since we left Hassan Pasha as we have been carrying a good supply of tinned fruit & fish on the pack horse; A double light railway line is being built into the desert also a heavy railway & a metal road.           6 inch pipes supply us with water from Kantara

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