Item 05: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 19 March-15 August 1916 - Page 152

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[Page 152]

Sun 23rd
Left camp at 1 oclock this morning; C Sqd being the advance guard of the Regt, & the 1st Regt being advance guard of the Brigade; We arrived at Qatia at daybreak; We went straight on towards Sagia to the south of Oghratina, B Sqd sent a patrol to Bir-El-Hamesieh & A Sqd followed the telephone line down from Qatia to Oghratina, a large party of Turks were concealed in a Hod & a Troop of A Sqd rode to within 200 yards of the Turks before they saw them. the Turks opened up a very heavy rifle fire & one machine gun. it was marvellous that every man was not killed but no one was hit, one lad had a hole through his sleeve but was not hit;
Our battle plane was fired on by artillery from Oghratina this morning. Two Taubes came over us again this morning & one battle plane

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