Item 06: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 16 August-22 November 1916 - Page 26

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[Page 26]

Fri 1st
Lindsell, Elliott, Wride & Ingham went into Port Said on the 8 oclock train this morning on leave; Nothing of any consequence happened today. I have all the Sqdn Sig working on the phone now; Bassans Court Martial came off today & has been postponed till tomorrow. I heard today that Sergt Sutherland (Bde H.Q.) has also applied for Sig Officer to this Regt. & as Col Meredith left yesterday & is on his way to Australia on leave I am not too confident of getting it although Major Granville is doing all he can to get me the Commission
We are pretty busy here as we have lamp practice every night. 5 Enemy planes bombed Port Said yesterday & I believe a couple of them were brought down

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