Item 04: Walter Bruce Rainsford diary, 3 January 1917-31 December 1917 - Page 102

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its way to Cormont, the whole Division going out for a rest in and round villages near Etaples & Boulogne. I had been pretty hard at it right up to going on leave and on returning soon got back into harness again. The 1st Aust. Division is moving up into the Sector to take our place and the 3rd Field Ambulance arrived to-night to take over the Divisional Rest Station.

Friday, 21st Dec. 1917:-

We handed over the following morning and the next day marched off at 8.30 a.m. to entrain at Dehennebok, about 8 or 9 kilometres away. With several thousand troops of the Division we had a wait of a couple of hours in the snow with a cold wind blowing. The train left at 1 p.m. and arrived at Devres about 7 o'clock after a perishingly cold journey. We came through Hazebroyck and were able

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