Giles papers, 9 May 1914-13 May 1919 / Arthur Clyde Giles - Page 39

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[Page 39]

[Pages 29-36 not transcribed]
Troop No 17
11th May 1915

Dear Father
Now don't be surprised when you read this. I have given my notice in & am leaving the boat next Monday. Coming by the "Mouaki" Would have been across sooner but have to stand by to give the new man a start. Handed the keys over to him today. The company are giving me a passage across. Have the offer of a train or boat - ticket to Wellington think I will come by boat. No good to me this time Father they are putting 1450 men on board. Was tough enough with 700 can picture what it will be like next time. Did no good this time dropper on the deal. Was very near a mutiny at Albany will give you all the particulars when I come across. Hope all are well at Marshall street. Received you letter on arrival. Had to smile at Miller's letter don't know where he got the idea I had got into trouble over here. Just the opposite am a general favourite with all. We only went as far as the Suez this time. Was rotten. Nothing to see there.Oh the run is too monotonous. Was hoping when we left this last time we would have been sent straight to the

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