Giles papers, 9 May 1914-13 May 1919 / Arthur Clyde Giles - Page 233

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[Page 233]

Wilts England

Dear Father
Have had about half a dozen letters from you just lately. Letters that have been accumulating while in Hsptl. Well have had my furlough had a very fine time needless to say. Spent part of my time in London then went to Cambridge to the Titteringtons. Had about four days with them. I wrote and told you they had sent word I was to consider their home place as my home while in England. Had a very nice time there. Harry was in London also his wife. She is a very nice girl very bright & lively. I stayed the last few days of my leave with them. We did the rounds of the theatres etc. Was very sorry when my time was up. I didn't go to the Bank until the day before my leave was up. Found when I got there the money was there for me. I had enough to carry me through without it so dident touch it. Will do for another time. If I get across wounded or I may get Paris leave shortly after I get back to the Batt. Have transferred £10 to my pay book so I shall be sure of getting the leave when my time comes around again. That wont be

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