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with a lighthouse on it; it appeared to be about 200ft high, rocky & fearfully desolate looking land. The eastern end, lighted up clearly by the rising sun was very interesting, a heavy landslip having taken place & left a fresh face of the cliffs in which highly contoured sedimentaries showed minor folds & faults when examined thro' Father's glasses. Near the lighthouse was a dwelling house, but there was no sign of life, the whole place looking fearfully dreary.
Parades held as usual, but during the later part of the morning & during the afternoon parade I was up on the boat-deck with the other officers attending a gymkana or sports meeting of 1st saloon & A.I.F. officers. These included a march, blindfolded & guided by a lady holding the reins, thro' a mazework of empty bottles, pillow-fight sitting astride a spar, a drawing & whistling race in which the men had to run to their partners & respectively draw a picture of an animal & whistle a tune, the ladies writing down what they recognised & returning it by their men to the winning post: an animal medley, hanging monkey, placing eye in a pig while blind-folded & similar ship-board sports filled up the programme, from which, solely as an onlooker & non-partaker in any, I got a lot of amusement.
During the day we passed a large number of steamers chiefly outward bound: one of the ship's officers told me that in peace time instead of the 8 or 10 we should