Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings, 24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 45

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[Page 45]

[List at top of Page]

93 Bourke
338 Monaghan


463 Garrett
176 Harris
764 Robinson
310 Kenny
241 [indecipherable]
318 Myers
460 Horden
409 [indecipherable]
433 Starford
642 Ibbott
112 McDonald
234 Calthorpe

Ari Bournu
My dear Weir,
Letter writing exceedingly difficult & unpleasant owing to the cramped positions – The indigestion I have suffered from for a week or so & the flies which are far worse than they were in Egypt. Many thanks for your letters you stick to your post very [indecipherable]. What does happen to our letters to you – only 2 days steam away & weeks seem to elapse before one gets an answer. The few men we have left here are very sick (many of them) [indecipherable] post & I can not lay my hands on any money. In May I went to the Col for money after he had borrowed some £ 1000. The pipes & backy are appreciated but tho' I hear you sent stationery I have not heard of its arrival. There will be a pound more I hope soon & many will chew the dust. – a good thing to do something as all are fed up with staying in the one spot – we have only gained about 20ft since we came here. I cant get an inch more. Granville is away sick & was on a hosp ship for 2 or 3 days while I climbed thro a [indecipherable] belly with influenza. You must now have quite 30 of our men & it is considered here almost as much a scandal as the Mt Nelson in Cape Town. It meant the work is twice as hard or [indecipherable] here Very hot – not to bad on you but we have no shade or change. Remember me kindly to the Col I trust to get our men back soon,
with 52 new [indecipherable].Yours very Sincerely H.V.V.

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