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Sunday Night 30th Sept., 1914.
Enemy attacked British lines fiercely but were completely repulsed. German losses enormous, especially in their attacks. They continue massed formation. Military correspondent "Times" states that no less than 400 fell in one attack. No material change in situation, but it is generally favourable to Allies, and the French have advanced here and there. Wings are attacking vigourously and center is on defensive. Russians have completely isolated Prezemple and have cut railway communications. Austrian Army fallen back to the West and is reported to be almost demolished. Belgians appear to be holding their own and have captured prisoners and guns. German attack on Antwerp imminent. 36 German steamers detained in Antwerp. French force bombarded Cattaro for 12 hours, dismantled several forts. German Cameroons captured by Anglo-French Forces. London press publishes very flattering comment regarding Australian Navy and Troops. New Guinea caused emotion in London and probably had some effect in Berlin. British Troops in France created profound impression on Germans, their rifle fire being accurate and deadly whilst heavy bombardment failed to shake them. British Cavalry Forces magnificent and superior to Germans. Weather much improved, materially assists. Our left wing driving enemy back inch by inch. Kaiser apparently in Eastern Prussia. Japan gradually closing on Kiafi-Chan. have taken advance works. British Flying Corps excellent, work considered superior to enemy.
4th Oct., 1914. [censored]
General situation in France unchanged ---- are heavily attacking our left wing. French report states ---- still progressing there. ---- overtaxed ---- chiefly owing necessity of attending to vast numbers of wounded. ---- enemy ---- prisoners Antwerp. Germans besieging --- forts. Garrison determined resistance and repulsing all attacks. Enemy using 13 inch Howitzers which cause ----. Germans fortifying Rhine and Rhine Towns. Rhine Press now recognising possibility of defeat. Indian Troops arrived Marseilles, great welcome. Boers joining General Botha's Force in great numbers for operations German South West Africa.
6th Oct., 1914.
Official despatches from front, dated 29th September
"No ground lost, some gained. Every counter attack repulsed, enemy suffered several losses. Enemy's recent attacks made without cohesion, assaults being delivered by comparatively small bodies, evince clear signs inferior leadership owing great losses to their Officers."
9th Oct., 1914.
"Very little news. All movements of British Troops forbidden to be published in Press. Paris reports some progress Berry Audac District. With co-operation British there has been solid defence north of Saisance. Between ---- one alternate advance and retreat. Germans attacking in strong force the Mareyar Lassigny on the Allies left wing. Large masses of Enemy's Cavalry and reserve forces moving North of Ronbaix."
10th Oct., 1914.
"Bombardment of Antwerp proceeding. Antwerp has been reinforced. Line of battle in France extends almost to the sea. Germans have fallen back in neighbourhood Arras, where battle is proceeding favourably for Allies. At other parts of the line there is comparative quiet. Heavy fighting west of Suwalki, where Russians continue to attack, but Germans are resisting stubbornly. Submarine E9 sunk German Destroyer mouth of Ems.
12th Oct., 1914.
Antwerp evacuated 8th October in response to appeal Belgian Government, Admiralty had despatched force of 8.000 Naval and Marine Brigade to assist in Antwerp.
Until 8th October Naval Brigade and Belgians successfully defended lines. Antwerp reversing owing to retirement on inner defences These defended until 9th October when decided to evacuate from Antwerp, this carried successfully, but 200 Naval Brigade cut off and interned Holland's own arms. Belgian Army and Naval Brigade retired off Ostend have reported. Pryemysh captured by Russians.
15th Oct., 1914.
Belgian Army and British Naval and Marine Brigade, defending Antwerp, successfully retired Ostend after blowing up all the forts. Germans reported to be repairing fortifications and re-victualising Antwerp. There have been four battles in the North of France, in which the Allies held their own, and in the last drove back the enemy 12 miles. Lille, Bens and Arras to Soissons. Slight advantage Soissons. Quiet rest of line. Believed general advance of Allies pending Second British ---- into Germany.
Files of Sydney newspapers recently received announce the composition of the Commonwealth Ministry as follows: -
Prime Minister and Treasurer, Mr. A. Fisher; Attorney General, Mr. W.M. Hughes; Minister for Defence, Senator G.F. Pearce; Minister for Customs, Mr. F. Tudor; Minister for External Affairs, Mr. J. Arthur; Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. W.O. Archibald; Postmaster General, Mr. W.G. Spence; Vice President of the Executive Council, Senator Gardiner; Honorary Ministers: Mr. H Mahon, Mr. J. Jenson, Senator E.J. Russell.