Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 37

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Early morning - General clean up.

At 9-0 a.m. the whole of the Naval Contingent was inoculated for the second time against Enteric.

11-0 a.m. The Chaplain from H.M.A.S. "Encounter" - The Rev. Stewart - conducted the Church Service of the Protestant Denominations of all on board   on the Well Deck aft. The Brigade Major (Major Heritage) took the Roman Catholic Service on the Flying Deck.

About Noon the Brigadier and a number of Officers went ashore, and during the afternoon a Rifle Match between the Officers of the Naval and Military portions of the Contingent was shot - the Army winning.

5-0 p.m. Wireless message received from Sydney stating that the Signalling Equipment mentioned in diary of the 27th August, had been forwarded by train to Brisbane, but by mistake had been taken into Ordinance Store there instead of being placed on board the "Aorangi". The District Naval Officer had, however, been instructed to forward same.   At 11-0 p.m. the "Aorangi" arrived and took up anchorage in the Haven.

P.M.O. reports that there are no serious cases of sickness. Influenza still very prevalent.

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