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6-24 a.m. H.M.A.S. "Berrima" got under weigh and proceeded to Fairfax Harbour, and anchored there at 7-30 a.m. On arrival a signal message was despatched to the Officer Commanding Troops on board the "Kanowna" to report as soon as possible with his senior Medical Officer to the Brigadier on board "Berrima".
Early morning parade: Naval Reserve, cleaning ship; Infantry, Physical Drill.
Forenoon: Infantry, Rifle Exercises and Musketry Instruction; Navy, cleaning ship and ½ hour Physical Drill.
Afternoon: Naval Reserve supplied working parties unloading stores; Infantry: Lectures, Rifle Exercises and Musketry Instruction
9-30 a.m. Major Aitkin, Commanding Troops on board "Kanowna", accompanied by Senior Medical Officer (Capt. Kay) reported to the Brigadier.
The detachment consists of three Companies - Officers being: -
1 Major.
2 Captains.
1 Lieut.
9 2nd. Lieuts., and
Staff Sgt. Major.
The composition of the Companies is as follows: -
1894 Trainees 39
1895 do 49
1896 do 33
Riflemen 250
Capt. Quinn carries out the duties of Adjutant in addition to his duties as Company Commander.
A.M.C. Detachment consists of 2 Officers and 10 men.
In addition to the above mentioned details, 1 company is on shore at Port Moresby acting as a guard to the Wireless Station. The details of this Company have not yet been supplied.
The Troops have one issue of uniform, 500 rounds per rifle ammunition, and rations for 30 days.
The Senior Medical Officer reports a clean bill of health for the "Kanowna", there having been no serious cases of sickness since leaving Thursday Island.
The Army Medical Stores are being completed from the "Berrima".
10-0 a.m. Captain Glossop and Lieut-Commander Cumberlidge (in charge of Destroyers) visited the Brigadier in connection with information respecting Herbertshohe and Rabaul.
10-30 a.m. The Brigadier, accompanied by the Brigade-Major, left for Port Moresby and paid an official call on the Lieut-Governor (Judge Murray). Opportunity was taken to obtain supplies of stationary, also clothing for "Kanowna" 2nd. Infantry.
It was intend to leave the Company from the "Kanowna" on shore for the protection of the Wireless Station. Judge Murray, however informed the Brigadier that a local corps had been organised, sworn in and drilled, and the service of the "Kanowna" Troops could be dispensed with in that connection. 300 magazine L.E. Rifles and supply of ammunition will be handed over to him to-morrow from S.S. "Murex".