Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919 - Page 324

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[Page 324]

5th Training Battn
Salisbury Plains

Dear Mrs. Dunlop

I received, after a fairly long postal delay, your good & newsy letter written after the Referendum results had come out. It was disappointing & if only those who turned it down had seen as we have done Not a single man of Military age visible in the various Villages of France & women shovelling iron ore, coal, & metal out of Railway trucks & doing hard Navvy toil as there were no civilian men to do it I think they would have felt well ashamed of themselves.
I suppose Grace told you I got a turn of Rheumatism & Influenza & after 17 Days in Hospital I came over in Decr. I left convalescent Hospital on 14 Jany & was passed fit next day after filling several posts I was sent here just a day or two before I was returning to Etaples with a Body of men. The Q.M here had died & so I am fixed. I have now for the first time a Room to sleep in

[Note along the left-hand margin of the page:]
Don Dunlop 9.8.32

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