Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919 - Page 310

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[Page 310]

Mum Dear I expect by the time this letter reaches you we will be at the front as we leave next week for there. I may say you could watch the papers & see how the third behave themselves under fire. I can tell you we have been waiting a long time for the news to leave & when we were told by the Colonel we made the Pyramids Shake & tremble with our cheers. I may say it was the best news we have had since landing here. Every thing here is in a bustle getting ready for the move which I expect will be in the early hours of the morning when Cairo is asleep.
Several of us were offered positions in the Egyptian Army as officers with increased pay but we humbly refused as five years in this place would be too much of a good thing. I said it may stand consideration after the war if things in Australia were not happy for me to return & had my name enrolled for consideration then. Where we were wanted was at Soudan in the garrison. There are several of us down for

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