Bennett war diary, 1914-1915 / J. Bennett - Page 12

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[Page 12]

watered them at Kasr-el-Nil Barracks, and led them a good eight miles to Ma'adi camp. It was 1 a.m. when we reached camp and tied the horses up, & lie down on the sand to try & snatch an hour's sleep. The cold was intense, and we had no blankets. The horses were frantic with joy to be once again on land, after being cooped up on board ship for six weeks. Ma'adi is an awfully sandy dusty place, although rather interesting, as near here was fought one of Napoleon's great battles, the "Battle of the Pyramids". There is an old time cannon almost buried in the sand not far away, and one can pick up pieces of old shells. The camp is a mile from the River Nile, and the Pyramids can be seen quite plainly. All around the camp are Arabs with donkeys for hire, working camels, and shops for the sale of curiosities, antiques (made on the premises) and silks, etc. The Ma'adi railway station is distant, about 400 yards, and some fine residences are near, with lovely gardens.

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