Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings,24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 117

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[Page 115]

Trudging like a loaded camel
'Neath the sun the whole day through
Skirmishing to Bul-el Shabat (Town on Suez Road
Marching out to number two
Land of corn and land of "can", "can", – CAN.CAN (Native dance)
Land of Wassah tell us why – WASSA (Latin Quarter)
If we have a little patience
While they stop this "standing by"

I dreamt last night I was in heaven
Things were similar up there
Routine orders – by St.Peter
Colonel of the maxine choir
Polish up your harps & haloes.
Mind the planchette is dry

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