Halse war diary, 1 February 1916-4 May 1917/ Edward George Halse - Page 7

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Kondoa Irangi 8-6-16
Moved off to position in the evening about 7 or 8 miles forward to Outpost

9-6-16 Moved again about 4 miles to another position. Drafted to the 3rd Reg S.A.H. (under protest) Moved again on foot to hold position opposite Germans held by our men met Capt Stewart Osmond and lot of Krugersdorp men) to stay here indefinitely

10 6 16 Still on outpost Early morning bombardment on our right front. Germans fired 3 shots at Heliograph Stn. on our left Our fellows sniping Machine Guns brought up to our position in the evening

10 6 16 Reveille as usual stand to arms at 5 am moved at 4 pm to new position on the left shelled by Germans with Shrapnel no damage Escort to Indian Mountain Battery.

12 6 16 moved in the evening to new position in the hills 5 30 pm camped for night Ration for day Flour coffee sugar tobacco meat fresh

13 6 12 Moving up on top of hill. observation post about 50 men extreme left position able first time for week to have a wash and change clothes

Left Sive and Jimsy Fraser on the 9.6.16. saw them for a few minutes on the 11.6.16 Drafted to A. Sqd – 3rd S A H Acting Non. Com's reduced. Reached top of hill at 6 pm after fearful climb and had then to travel another mile or so for picket post.

14-6-16 Early morning German Guns going as usual away to our right

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