Item 02: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 1 January - 31 December 1916 - Page 157

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Sunday 30 July 1916
Brigade left at 2-30 a.m. midnight for Katia. Word received that the Enemy's Camel Corps drove our partrols to Romania during night. We came in touch with Turks about 6 a.m. Serg. of the Turks surrendered also a Soldier.
One man of 7th Reg. wounded & 3 Horses. Major Brice's Horse had to be destroyed.
The Turks appear to have a supply of notes & silver on them.
According to the Sergeant there are about 12,000 Soldiers advancing towards Romani. Brigade returned to Maler at 9-30 p.m.

Monday 31 July 1916
Wrote to McDonald & Co. for Beer & Whisky.
Enemy's Bombs bursting over R.H. & El Maler. 2 Officers & 3 Tommies were injured this morning.
Major Foster over to see Col. Fuller.
Received letter from Home also parcel from Mrs. Robson.
Posted letters Home also to Miss Robson.
Later. The result of the Bombing this morning was 9 killed, 20 wounded & a number of mules.
The Enemy dropped 26 Bombs, which were meant principally for the redoubts around Romani.
Lewis Machine Guns arrived for the different Squadrons.

Tuesday 1 August 1916
Brigade left for Katia at 2-30 a.m. arriving there at 6 a.m. Turks advancing on Left Flank. Major Anderson had to return. Monitors from Coast Mar a Dea Bombs Enemy's position at Oghratina & Saida. During afternoon our machines 7 in number dropped Bombs also doing good work. Enemy replied with 12" Guns. Their aim was accurate but no machine fell.
Enemy's Planes were over Romani to-day, but threw no Bombs.
6th Regiment was advanced line out & rear guard returning at night arrived at El Maler 9-30 p.m.

Wednesday 2 August 1916
Lieu. Marks & Usher to Pt. Said for Sugar etc. for Regiment.
Col. Fuller over at Brigade, returning afterwards with Major White.
Heavy firing by our Artillary this afternoon from Katia to Oghratina.
Monitors were also operating.
Our Battle Plane brought down a Taube to-day between Oghratina & Bir el Ab. Whilst there is nothing official it appears as though the Turks are determined this time to make a desperate effort to get us out of Romani, & each day we are forced to retire under cover of Darkness to the fortified Hills.

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