Stettler 'The Battles of the Nations': being an account of war service in France, 1916 / composed by J.H. Stettler and written by private P.J. Stettler - Page 9

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[Page 9]

we left some of our men in the second trench Some of our Noblest mates to a Endless rest Some of them men who took Part in Eventful day in the landing at the Peninsula but are now unfortunate heroes who were loving to see it through and to do their Duty till the final day of victory came but such is war on arriving back we were obliged to make ourselfs Compfortbly as possible but warned to be on the alert but little Could be had for the bursting shells at A about 2 oclock our Artilly gave Fritz a lively few minutes and we received word that our Relieving battalion had advanced Farther Later the heavest bombardments from the commencement of the advance the heavest guns were pouring in from three sides of Perfect deluse of shelling and Particular rough time for us advanced among Schrapnell men falling like Rain some wounded and killed outright and a vast number were put out of action a common Sight were Enemies are drawn together in heavy conflict with hand to hand fighting it was then that some of our bravest officers and men met their doom
The End
Written By Pte p.g. Stettler Parramatta
Composed by J H Stettler Parramatta
N.S. Wales
The End

[Transcribed by June Pettit for the State Library of New South Wales]

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