Item 01: Fred Hamilton-Kenny letter diary, 29 August-19 October 1914 - Page 64

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[Page 64]

your money if you lose – 3 matches each – 3 whisky Poker Dice – Kings – Queens – Aces only count - You throw - Aces go to the Match Box – done in – dead – that is 1 match or 2 or three corresponding to the number of aces thrown -
Suppose you turn up a King you give pass a match on to the player on your left - if a Queen to the player on your right you pass a match back ie to player on Right - You go on & on until some 3 matches only remain – then 2 dice are abstracted & those left in throw the one - The man who pays is the man left with 1 match & he must turn up an ace - Just to show how the game swings - Late in the game I had 6 matches & got rid of them - One match remained & it was 8 players form me when that happened & it was but 1 from me where an ace was thrown amidst immense applause & we all had some liqueur 'Vermout Frappe' at the expense of the loser - What a good natured, rowdy, crowd they

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