Item 01: Gordon Thomas Edwards letters, 21 January 1916-7 August 1919 - Page 150

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fillings and I am to go down tomorrow afternoon to have them fixed up. By all accounts I shall be here for at least two or three weeks, then I suppose it will be France again. There is a chance that I may get a staff appointment but I am not putting my faith on that just yet. There is no doubt that I have been very very lucky, all my old comrades of the battalion were killed or wounded at Bullecourt, a week after I left them, so you see, what I thought hard luck, might have happened for the best. Out of my company of Lewis Gunners I am the only surviving N.C.O. All the rest, 6 of them , were killed in action since I left.

I must sign off for tonight dear mother, will write again quite soon, Remember me to all old friends.
Trusting that all of you are quite well.
With best love to you and dad and all the rest
Your loving son

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