State Library of NSW
to the edge of a steep bank he gave one tremendous buck sideways and away I went flying - I had another trial - this time he bolted and after that [?] uncertain with some little regret I declined the honor [honour] of his acquaintance - Not having the slightest ambition to [?] [little] Buckjumpers - for it is most dangerous employment and takes the very best and most practised Riders to keep their seats - I have often known Horses send saddle bridle and everything flying & occasionally [words crossed out] lose their legs from springing so sharp to one side. A most horrible murder occurred in this immediate neighbourhood not long since - Cornelius Green whose name I mentioned in a previous letter son of Mr Green Surveyor Woodbridge was the unfortunate victim - He was bringing down some hundreds of ounces of Gold from Omeo - There was a Storekeeper, a policeman and a young woman Travelling with him When we here [hear?] they were fired upon by 2 men in Ambush - Green and the store-keeper were knocked off their horses - And while upon the ground the former was killed by [? ? ?] several times into his head - The policeman and the other man were badly wounded
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