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No 17 Hoods & Tippets
in old times the Ladies wore hoods Fashiond much like those of the men This 1348 appendage which in the mens dress was Calld a Tippet was in the womens Calld Liripipe Knighten may not the Enormous horned head dress figurd by Strut be a hood he describes a Ribbon hanging down on one Side of it in the manner of a Liripipe See Strutt Vol 2 Plate 6 1305 no Common where to wear any hood except Rayed or Striped with with divers Colors act of Parliament 1580 a hood or kercheif for a woman alveary V Kercheif an Embroiderd vesture or manner of hood to Cover the head it is now usd for a kercheif, worn specialy by women do going to Church Do. 1530 John Neviles daughter had on her marriage 2 ells of White Ribbon for Tippets Roll of C[loses] The Peake of a ladies mourning hood [bigurquet] Palsgrave an Ear wire or the Wire that Stayes the Flaps or head piece of a Monck French hood [fe]sbride Cotyr Guimple The Crepine of a French hood is not the the Same word as wimple a three Cornerd hood This kind of hood or head Cover was used by women in the Reoyn of Edwd 3d. Randle Holm B. 2 p 396 N. 32 French hood this was primarly the attire for womens heads wihich were Called French hoods They hung down behind the head & then were turned up to the top of the head even to the Forehead & there Ended in a Round Point or Peak Ran Holme B2: p396 No 34 open Set hood a womans Face Quoifed Coverd with an open set hood tyed under the Chin & the end Flying Abroad Randle Holm B. 2 p 464 No 121 a veil hood Rand Holme p 481 N. 122 a cornerd hood or Ladies veil Rand Holme B 2 p 12 No. 81 a womans hood having the Flaps tied Do. No. 83
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