Letter received by Banks from James Wiles and Christopher Smith, 26 January 1793 (Series 52.12) - No. 0003

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We have already taken on board upwards of 350 Plants for His Majesties Botanic Garden at Kew which Dr. Anderson had in Pots prepared for us and there are at least 100 more to come -- Several of these Plants are in a sickly state and we fear will not live long at Sea, however, much the greater part of them are very healthy -- We are exceeding happy Sir, to reflect, that the Voyage is [words obscured due to watermark] compleated with such success, which we hope [indecipherable due to watermark] continue with us to the end; in that Case we [words obscured due to watermark] have a large and curious Collection in excellent Order when we arrive in England -- We continue Sir
With great respect, your much obliged and very
hble Servants 
[signature of] James Wiles
​[signature of] Christr. Smith

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