Select Specimens / From Nature / of the / Birds Animals &c &c / of / New South Wales / Collected and Arranged / by / Thomas Skottowe Esqr. / The Drawings By T.R. Browne. N.S.W. / Newcastle / New South Wales / 1813 - Page 8

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This Bird so  commonly called in this Country for  what reason I know not unless from the brown cast of its back and wings / is a species of the Heron, and (?) the Banks and sides of Rivers, it is Remarkable for a long White Feather which grows from the Crown of the Head to the length of about six or seven inches and is as fine as a Camel Hair Pencil. It is of a very Shy Nature. In the Spring Season of this Country they assemble and fly in large flocks of some Hundreds a Cir-cumstance I never observed at other times.

Native Name Cahongi  

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