Charles Boydell - journal, 1830-1835 - Page 44

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[page 44]

I do not know any make of men with more leisure yet less inclination to think than that of high settlers in every transaction they engage this feature is predominant: View the poor Creatures just exalted above the Aboriginal Coming home to be miserable but without a soul to meet & welcome him aft. a hard days labor partaking of a rough & uncom... meal & eating barely because he must do so to support life His stove would be sufficient to [..] him as a most unthinking being: How easy to [...] just take a wife my boy & immediately turn a desert into a fruitful Garden a miserable  [...]m into a Elysium family the Contrast is great yet not overdrawn Let anybody visit two settlers with the same means let one be married and the other single & he will find the Picture [...] means so. The Prejudice beings imagine that because Marriage is indissolable it must be difficult to endure.- Yet If any few who have once tasted the sweets of Matrimony would wish to return .... 
Marriage is of divine ordination & one of the Greatest blessings transmitted to mortals, by female doings man is softened & harmonized dependent ... another for happiness the [...] & lessens [...]
The married couple most delightfully; How [...] unnatural to look round and behold in this ]...] to      to whom it's blessings are unknown, so they who from habit & want of association with the [...] become rough & unpolished. & [...] the greatest of all enjoyment . proceeding from this state domestic felicity Will fully [..] of it yet too indolent to take precautions against the continuance of it: Almost all pleasures flow from Woman She can bring comfort & order where the contraries reigned absolute before her coming.: Men come talking of going to England for a wife Would but that be a libel upon the female of our [..] where so many less fitting for all societes [...] maturing: Besides on the other hand any one who has known the happiness of a large family would prefer connecting himself here with a family of respectability whose society he might cultivate & would be the cause of making his [...] content: I often think that a person must make use of a little deceit before he can prevail upon a body to renounce all her family & friends for him alone & to give up the comforts and luxuries she has been accustomed to for the hardships &  Privations of a [..] life

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