Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt, logbook of a journey from Port Stephens to Peak Range, 1 October 1846-3 November 1847 - Page 95

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night breeze of the Mackenzie. Alas it was only a solitary instance, for we have not been blessed since with it. Here also near the water Turnbull found a pretty plant very much like Abutelon but with differently formed blossoms  - 3 bracts  5 divisions of the calyx, 5 narrow yellow petals, 5 stamens with long anthers and 5 stigmata.
the 5th March we travelled about 6 - 7 miles NW by N or NNW and arrived at the junction with the of the Connor with the Mackenzie about noon. It was a fine and open spot the country which we past was mostly openly timbered with Box and Vitex bushes and a species of dor Acacia a good sized tree with drooping branches, the youngest of which came covered with a sweet rather pulpy juice on which the little ants were very busy.
Perry seemed to recover fast and we were all well and hailed a fine camp with the greatest joy. A patch of scrub would have given shelter to our cattle and the open flat and hills were covered with herbage, particularly portulacca and that stiff
Chenopodianceous plant, which though not good for itself is an indication of a good fattening feeding ground. Alas! how much were we deceived!  I had scarcely taken my luncheon of tea and [indecipherable] cake when the most violent fever heat took me: Turnbull very soon followed. Perry got much worse and I despaired almost of his life. So it went on and Brown became very ill.  Bunce was lingering, Hely suffered, Wommai got an attack and after 6 days
Boecking dropt [dropped] down. Main [?] is the only on [one] who has escaped until now and I hope he will be well, until we leave this unhealthy place.  The River went down very rapidly, and as its wet banks were exposed sandflies were engendered which troubled us during the day but
[ indecipherable] our horses and cattle regularly to the camp, and musketoes [mosquitoes] which did not allow us moments rest during the night. The desease [disease] commences with a feeling of great heat, with a very quick pulse, with
 a dry skin and with heaviness in the head which soon turns into violent headache. It has been occasioned by eating

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