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Contrary to my expectations I found that very little damage had been done to the machinery and other accessories at the Wireless Station after the "Melbourne" left. My visit was a surprise and apparently it was not expected the British would return, but the Germans lived in hope of restoring the station themselves, as Herr Wostrack has informed me that the Company's local manager has twice approached him saying the station could be put in working order in two days.
It was my intention on my return here today to have sent Lieut. Cresswell, R.A.N., Fleet Wireless Officer, who was the Officer who put this installation out of action, back to Nauru to restore it, but I now find he left here for Australia by the "Matunga" two days ago.
It seems to me now that the Island is in our possession the re-establishment of the Wireless Station would be a matter of incalculable advantage.
Of the 30 German Residents who were arrested, 2 were Missionaries and 2 Traders; to these four I administered the oath of neutrality. The remainder (as per list attached) are being sent to Sydney by the S.S. "Messina". The only prisoner on parole is Herr Wostrack, the Resident Commissioner. In view of the importance of his office and the assistance he has rendered to me, I recommend that his parole be continued on arrival in Australia.
By the same boat I am sending Mrs. Wostrack, wife of the Commissioner, and Mrs. and Miss Brauns, the wife and daughter of the Telefunken Engineer who was captured on board the S.S. "Zambesi", and who is now, I believe, in Sydney; these two ladies were practically stranded in Nauru, and I ask that facilities be afforded for them to rejoin Herr Brauns in Sydney.
Several other women and children had to be left behind at Nauru owing to want of accommodation on board the "Messina" but they have been temporarily provided for at the Roman Catholic Mission at that place, and arrangements will be made for their transport to Australia at the earliest opportunity.
I impounded the sum of 5,538 Marks at the Government Offices, Nauru, and have handed the same over to Captain Norrie for payment of Police, and to meet other expenses, and the necessary entry will be made in the books of administration at Rabaul.
Postage Stamps of a total face value of 6,132 Marks have also been impounded; these I have brought with me so that they may be surcharged and endorsed with the Royal Initial Letters "G.R.I." at the Government Printing Office here, after which they will be sold for use in the usual way.