Volume 58: Sir George Macleay correspondence, 1848-1880: No. 133

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[Page 133]

I have ordered Green to put up for you in a Box to go by the Chimborazo which leaves about the 20th March containing some bulbs, 2 of ea., which I imagine you have not got.  

No. 1. Crimson from Bahamas 13.    Amaryllis 
2. Amaryllis white, do. do. 14. Dasylirion Acrotrichum
3.  -- striped do. 15. Morea Sisyrinchium
4. Crimson spec. from Natal           16. Ornithogatum Arabicum
5. Do. do. do. /different 17. Hyacinthus Candicans
6. Bowiea volubilis 18. Myriophyllum Asparagonia   
7. Drimia Spec. Natal 19. Asparagus decumbens
9. Hypericum [?] Spec. do. 20. Dietes Macleaii
10. Do. do. different x 21.  Utricularia Montana
11. Do. do. different 22. Spironema fragrans
x 12. Haemanthus Albifios xx 23.  Dahlia Imperialis

x To be kept in wet moss in a basket.
xx Handsome milk Dahlia, 18 feet high.

I am not going to bully you by renewing my lists of desiderata, you have been so wonderfully kind already.  Let me rather tell you what & which of your gifts have been & are doing well.  Banksia Corymbosa, [indecipherable] and got blossom, Telopeas same. Doryanthes same, Dendrobium Sumneri pr Superbiens doing very well, D. Bigibbum not so well, D. Omissum well, D. Kingianum well, D. Speciosum well but has some flowers, Neoptoptens beautifully weeping Elms, & flowering & flat beeches, & white Lagerstroema.  I have now got really a very fine Fernery, 50 4 25 with walls 16 feet high, wonderfully picturesque & beautiful.  Mr. Hay who should [indecipherable].  It will be a sight in [indecipherable] for all people to come to look at.  I will send you photos of it by & bye.  I have Elms but no of his lilies for you.  I do not send it as I am waiting for the next [indecipherable]

Good bye & God bless you dear old friend

Yrs ever affy,

Geo: Macleay


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