Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 154

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[Page 154]

he goes alone. I know I have perfect control of the machine. They think I am either mad or brave to do it, and yet they would find that the machine is as nice to fly from the back seat as it is from the front, if only they would try it. They expect the pupil to learn to fly the machine under the very conditions they are themselves afraid to fly it, and surely the change from one seat to the other is likely to be more dangerous to the pupil than to themselves. Well if they don't want me to do the job I don't mind, but so long as I have the work to do I am going to do it my own way. When they do put me in charge of the other flight, which is of course the flight of the squadron, I'll find a new interest in the work of getting everything running as efficiently as possible.

I have met, through Segrave my C.O., several very nice people living round here and should have quite a good time.

Major Henderson rang up tonight and asked me to go to a concert they are having at Oxford on Wednesday. I am going to fly over on Wednesday evening and will stay the night with the Hendersons.

I havn't any more news just now. Thanks ever so much for the 3 pairs of socks that came by the last two mails. They are lovely ones.

God ever bless you my own darling Mother & Father. All my love to you Eileen & little baby.

Ever your loving


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