Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 150

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what a reputation you two had won for yourselves, and we used to hope that someday we might meet old Pearson, of whom you wrote so often. It is hard luck that so many splendid fellows have to give their lives that the world may be a better place for those left behind.

Fr. Gartlan has just written me a note asking for some documents about Roger. I suppose he wants some facts for the Christmas number of Alma Mater. I shall get him to come down & have dinner with us, & talk about what will be the best memorial of Roger. I think for the present we had better establish a Roger Forrest Hughes Memorial Prize, like the Kelly Memorial, & the Bertram Norris Memorial that John Mullins & the Norris family are founding. We would like to give a window in the school chapel, but we shudder at the chapel. Anyhow windows are out of the question during wartime. We could not get them out. So we can settle about them later on.

I am afraid I must end now, & put the lights out or else I may be prosecuted for having electricity going after eleven o'clock at night during strike time, as coal is scarce. God bless you & keep you safe.

Your loving father
Thomas Hughes

P.S. Send the enclosed note to Pearson's father. I neither know his name nor address, but I should like to send him a word of sympathy.


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