Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 489

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[Page 489]


you would like more copies of. I think they are better than the last – at least they are brighter!

The war news is much better these days especially from Italy. The Austrian offensive seems to have been a ghastly failure. While I was in London with Aunty last week after Gosport I met Geoffrey Clarke. He came to dinner & the theatre with us. He looks awfully well and has done simply splendidly as he is a Captain with an M.C. and a bar.

Daddy said in his last letter that he did not remember Herbert Allan, but I am sure he came to our place. He & I were at Riverview together and were both prefects there. We went to the University and were in the same year Arts. He is a grand chap and so cheery. He is a Captain in the Australian Infantry & has an M.C. 

I dont think I've any more news now and I must go to bed as I've got to get up at 5.30 am and I sleep just as 

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