State Library of NSW
[Page 61]
Thursday 25th SeptemberLeft Arras at 9.30 for Charleroi via Cambrai €“ Le Catean €“ Solesmes €“ Valenciennes and Mons €“ arrived Charleroi about 5.30pm. Roads generally bad. Many large shells being exploded by salvage parties €“ almost seemed like battle again. Saw groups of Boche prisoners being Marched to trains for repatriation to Germany. Stayed with M & Mme Leon Brisach.
Friday 26th SeptemberCalled on M Devereux re Mt st Quentin Memorial and discussed details. After lunch visited quarries with him (at Ecoussinnes). Very extensive and up to date. Stonework for monument well in hand and will be finished in the quary by Oct 10th and memorial finally completed before the end of October. Signed contract at £ 700 - .
Saturday 27th SeptemberLeft Charleroi at 9.30 for Antwerp via Waterloo - Brussels and Malines. Visited Quatre Bras - [indecipherable] La Belle Alliance farm [indecipherable] and La Haze Saint [indecipherable] also Belgian [indecipherable] and [indecipherable]. Weather not bright enough for photo. In Brussels visited Palais de Justice- Eglise of st Michel & Gudule, Hotel de Ville (unfortunately closed) and Grand Place €“ the "oldest inhabitant", Palace Hotel €“ Arcade and Sundry shops. Arrived Antwerp at 4.30 and took rooms at Hotel Londres. During afternoon visited Rail Station and Zoological Gardens.
Sunday 28th SeptemberBefore leaving Antwerp visited Cathedral and Hotel de Ville. Crossed the Escaut by ferry and actually left Antwerp at 10.15 for [indecipherable] via Ghent €“ Bruges €“ Heyste Zeebrugge €“ Blankenberg €“ Ostend and [indecipherable]. Commenced to rain when nearing Ostend. Saw remains of British ships involved in naval engagement at Zeebrugge and Ostend. Arrived [indecipherable] 6pm. Stayed the night at Hotel du Nord. Dined with De Witt family. M de Witt ill and confined to his bed.
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