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12TH SEPTEMBER, 1914 (Continued):-
of Wireless Station, after shelling ceases. Half Coy. will move along road which branches from coast road 1,100 yards East of Wunapope. Half Coy. to occupy position at cross roads due South of Herbertshohe one mile from Grunapier, and to patrol to Grunapier. Near here today six men were taken on suspicion. The 12 pdr to move to Kabakaul cross roads, and thence along road on my left flank. Reference map issued by O.C,.Intelligence this morning. Reply sent - I concur in your proposals.
O.C. Infantry to Brigadier, 12-25 a.m.:- Would like beef and biscuit rations sent before I move off. Reply - Cannot send rations before you move. You can draw for biscuits from Herbertshohe Naval supply, which was landed from "Berrima" on Friday afternoon.
Commdr. Beresford to Brigadier, 4-25 a.m.:- The Wireless Engineer estimates that it would take four months to erect iron towers. Lieut. Bond reports 3 of his men wounded, whom I am sending down to the beach for transport to Ship. My men are somewhat exhausted, and I shall require provisions and water today. I shall send what provisions and water I have to the W/T station at daylight and await your instructions as to whether I am still to hold the station. I have received a communication from Colonel Watson, which states that he will junction with me on the Kabakaul road, leaving his present position at Herbertshohe at 5-0 a.m. today. One of the wounded above referred to has succumbed.
"Warrego" to "Australia" (from Commdr. Beresford) 4-55 am. I have received information from Lieut. Bond that he has captured and is in possession of the wireless station, the machinery of which is in perfect order, including duplicate reserve sets, but the towers have been destroyed, the angle irons having broken in falling.
O.C. Infantry to Brigadier, 5-5 a.m.:- Message from Beresford states station surrendered, also German and Black Troops, and all quiet. Am I to carry out the approved orders forwarded you last night; my force is now ready to move towards Kabakaul.
Brigadier to O.C. Infantry, 5-20 a.m.:- Stand fast till further orders.
Brigadier to Flagship, 5-40 a.m.:- The wireless station having been captured, our objective in that direction has been attained,. Recommend Beresford reinforce troops now at wireless and hold the station. Have instructed Col. Watson to send two Coys. Infantry at once to Beresford's assistance. Suggest also that garrison be left at Herbertshohe with one month's supplies, which have now been partially landed, and that balance of force move direct as early as possible on Rabaul. If approved please instruct Beresford accordingly; I will advise Watson.
R.A.C. to Brigadier, 5-40 a.m.:- I see no object in holding the W/T Station unless you have any reasons for doing so, as it is now out of action. Please let me know your proposals.