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The approach to the harbour is open and is 1½ miles wide.
There are probably fairly extensive supplies of food available as the port is used as a depot for several small vessels. Local supplies of vegetables would be obtained from plantations in the immediate vicinity of the settlement.
There is a Navy Yard here, with a store of coal, carpenters shops, and ordnance stores.
A pier, fitted with sheerlegs to lift about 7 tons.
Cold storage, in private hands. A large stock of tinned food.
It is reported that in July 1914 there was 1,500 tons of Westport Coal.
There is reported to be a good harbour named Kieta about the middle of the eastern coast; sheltered in both monsoons. The entrance is very narrow, through high land. Coral surrounding it. There is deep water inside and out, but no pier, coal, stores or anything. It would be impossible to see from the outside where ships were.
The wireless station is 4 miles inland from Herbertshohe. [Note in margin] ?2/3 mile There is a good motor road leading to it.
Lorries. A hospital with 20 beds. A good coast road to Rabaul.
There are good anchorages for small craft.
Island very small. The anchorage is not marked on the Admiralty Chart.