Item 05: General William Holmes reports of operations and instructions for officers, 1914-1915 - Page 32

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1. The Island of NEW BRITAIN (OR NEU POMMERN) is situated off the coast of German New Guinea and is some 285 miles from end to end, it is nowhere more than about 50 miles wide.

Little is known of the interior.

A chain of hills runs from end to end of the island with a number of densely scrub clad extinct and active volcanoes.

RABAUL the present centre of population of the island is situated on a peninsula forming the eastern shore of Simpson's Hafen, an inlet of Blanche Bay (Abit-Nata) - vide Map 3)

A range of hills rising to 2,250 feet at the southern extremity runs North and South along the above peninsula between Rabaul and the ocean.

Population - The total white population in German New Guinea and adjacent islands in 1905 was 466.  The native population from 110,000 to 150,000 [Note in margin] About same now (Mr. Whittle)

Roads - The existing roads are shewn on the map, they are for the most part rough cart tracks.

(i) A road runs from Rabaul in a N.E. direction crosses a col 1,000 feet and leads to the ocean at Nondup (North) distance 2½ miles.

[Note in margin] (Mr. Whittle) Good road suitable for all arms - volcanic ash.

(ii) A road runs from Wlawolo S.E. and then S. to the road skirting Simpson's Hafen.

(iii) A road runs E & W along the shores of Talili Bay to join the coast road below (V)

(iv) A coast road skirts the entire ocean coast from CRATER point on the South to and beyond Talili Bay, except for some 2 miles at the extreme North where it is probable a track exists.

(v) A coast road skirts the shores of Blance Bay and Simpson's Hafen.

This is probably in good order as it joins Herbertshohe the old seat of government with Rabaul the new centre.

[Note in margin] (Mr. Whittle) First class order.

Towns Ec. - 

Herbertshohe and Rabaul at the old and new centres of government respectively.

No other towns of importance exist; but a coaling station was in use at Matupi 8 years ago.  It may still exist [Note in margin] (Mr. Whittle) Still exists.

Anchorages - Matupi and Simpson's Hafen form excellent anchorages for all classes of vessels.

Armed forces - There are 597 native police in German 

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