Item 12: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of life in Holsworthy Internment Camp, ca. 1915-March 1919 - Page 43

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Molloy per Notice on the Noticeboard that the refused jam had been condemned by the Authoritys as unfitt for human consumption and would be destroyed, however in future each Comp Comander is requested to accept the jam in any receptacle issued wich would be in due course as refusal to accept same, could not claim compensation in case same goes bad again. Theirefore we all went & recieved our jam out of dirty Kerosine tins into our only plate wich we used to carry our dinner on, & so as to not being made ill the majority of Internees dumped same into the Receptacle for rubbish to be carted to Cinarotor the next morning.

We had this jam issued to us in this fashion on 3 suxcesive occassiones when through our Committee hawing constantly complained & send complaining coresponde to the Camp Officials Minister of Deffence Official Visitor Govenor General & our respective Consuls about the unclean state of the issue we had Butter issued us at the rate of 250lb daily to be dividet as the Camp Representation thought fitt amongst 5000 Internees. Therefore each Company toke its turn, 22 7 ounces cheese each Internee wher issued to us, this wher the first issue. 15/6 On account of hawing found a illicit still in a garden house of a Germ Imp Soldier, all the gardens & smal houses wich the Soldiers had used during the day had to be destroyed. So about 300 Internees suffered through the actiones of 2 of their fellow sufferers. I wish hier to state that the

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